A Voice for the People—Not the Elites!

I have lost faith in most of our so-called experienced elected officials—and so have most voters—because they are out of touch with everyday Americans. They don’t live our lives, they don’t share our values, and they don’t speak with our voice. I know what it’s like to struggle—to face medical bills and student loan debt. I understand the difficulties you face every day, because I face them too.

I recognize the fear and constant worry over global events, national crises, and local issues that we all share. Here in Arizona, we have pressing concerns about water security, and our public schools are under attack. Extremists threaten everything from our voting rights to women’s healthcare rights. The threat posed by outsiders who do not represent our best interests—buying and bullying their way into office—cannot be understated.

We, the People, are being systematically ignored and overruled by political elites and career politicians who do not represent us. It’s time to fight back. It’s time the People had a representative who works for them and speaks with their voice.

From the Road to Representation—A Voice for Arizona.

I’m not a traditional candidate, and I won’t be a traditional representative—but I WILL be your voice. Together, let’s put the ‘representative’ back in democracy.

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